To allow members of the East New York Community the ability to return to their daily activities safely, Doral Health & Wellness will now be administering valid Antibody Test for COVID-19 at our health center.
There is no cost to the patient as the test is fully approved by the FDA, and your insurance carrier covers the procedure. We are only collecting patient contact and insurance information, similar to any doctor visit.
The containment of COVID-19 and the care of our patients is our highest priority. To ensure the safety of all of our patients and staff, we ask that you conduct a Self-check before coming to our facility for any other medical visits.
It is crucial that before coming to the facility, you are:
- Free of any coronavirus symptoms for a minimum of 14 days
Coronavirus Symptoms:
- Fever >/= 100.0
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
Masks are required for all patients visiting our offices, in compliance with Governor Cuomo’s April 17, 2020, executive order requiring all people in New York to wear a mask or face-covering in public, where social distancing is not possible.
Unable to purchase a mask, please watch these instructional videos on how you can make a face covering.
If you are unable to purchase a mask or make your own, one will be given to you upon entering the facility for your appointment.